Are you tracking your habits? Daily habits control us as much as we control them, and whether we like to admit it, we probably don't have full insight into our habits at the best of times. A key part of ensuring you do a habit is... ensuring you do it....
habits productivity quantified self In this post I discuss using Python to extract high quality sound samples and build a reusable soundfont from an electronic drum kit. I own a Roland TD-11 (pictured) which allows me to practice my hobby while keeping the volume low for those around me. It has a variety of...
programming music Cross-post from the blog. Introduction @ngrx/store is a popular store architecture for Angular 2. It promotes one-way data binding for components: Components subscribe to updates from the store Components dispatch events to the store Reducers receive dispatched events and modify the store data structure …and repeat. We’ve used @ngrx/store...
programming ngrx rxjs redux The Twelve-Factor App is a set of best practices for building web applications. Every project I build adheres to the principles laid out at the above website and I highly recommend internalizing them if you’re a full stack developer or in dev ops. One of the key points is “dev/prod...
devops This blog post is based on a lunch and learn talk I gave at on May 13, 2016. On April 16th, 2016 Telegram unveiled their “$1,000,000 to Bot Developers. For free.” challenge. Developers were incentivized by a chance to win $25,000 USD to build novel, interesting bots on Telegram’s...
bots telegram nodejs