Time: 0 days, Non-Vulnerable: 0, Vulnerable: 0, Asymptomatic: 0, Symptomatic: 0, Recovered: 0, Dead: 0, Immune: 0, R0: 0, Speed: 0/s
About this simulation

Simulate coronavirus infections in the browser. This collision-based infection simulator models the growth of infections within a population adhering to initial conditions. Try it out!

How does it work?

Individuals take random walks based on their walk frequency (walks per day) and walk distance. When an infected individual and a non-immune individual come into contact (the center distance between them is less than the infection distance), the virus is said to "infect" the non-immune individual. Now the non-infected person becomes infected and can pass the infection onto other individuals.

Once infected, the virus lifecycle is modeled by three main parameters: the incubation period (where the host is asymptomatic but can still spread the disease), the symptomatic period (where the host is showing symptoms and can die) and the death rate. There are separate death rates for the vulnerable and non-vulnerable population, with the vulnerable population typically having a higher death rate but a smaller portion of the population.


Use of this simulator in anything resembling actual epidemiology would be grossly unwise. Use as your own risk!

Total number of people
How often do people travel?
How far is each person's walk?
How close to do you need to be to catch the disease? This is the circle size. When circles overlap, an infection can occur.
Amount of square area per person, population×area per person defines map size
Number of people infected at the start
Death rate of the vulnerable population
Death rate of the non-vulnerable population
Fraction of vulnerable people in the population
Initial days with virus while asymptomatic
Days with virus while symptomatic
Percent of population that is immune to the virus
Percent of population that takes walks