
Interesting scientific videos with Matlab May 16, 2013

Stellar Composition over Time (M = Msun, Metallicity = 0.02) Modelled as a bonus project for my PHYS 375 Astrophysics class at the University of Waterloo. Here you'll see an animation of the stellar evolution of a Main Sequence star, similar to that of our own Sun. The left chart...

math visualization

Benchmarking JavaScript and DOM Performance using the Game of Life November 06, 2009

Conway's Game of Life is a dead simple cellular simulation. It contains an infinite grid composed of cells, which live or die based on a few rules: Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by underpopulation. Any live cell with more than three live...

javascript visualization game of life

Guitar Pro - The Musician's IDE October 18, 2009

I've been using Guitar Pro pretty regularly for the past 3 years to compose some of my music. It was originally designed to be a guitar tab editor, but it's pianists and violinists would find themselves right at home as well. It's pretty convenient, but I often find myself complaining...

music guitar pro

Writing a bitboard chess engine March 15, 2009

I've shifted my focus a little and am currently writing a bitboard based chess engine. Bitboard based engines aren't quite as straight forward as array based chess engines, but they offer benefits in both move generation and board evaluation. The idea is to represent the board in a series of...

programming chess

The layout of a chess engine March 08, 2009

Chess is said to be a game of perfect information, meaning that all the information is visible to both sides at all times. This allows a computer to play chess by searching the game tree for the best possible move. Thus a simple chess engine is composed of three major...

programming chess